
Ever wonder where the gender symbols came from? There are a few theories but most agree they’ve come to us from the God of War and the Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Read more: Gender

There are two basic routes by which we come to the same conclusion. First, the symbols are drawings of the defining features of the Roman’s deities Mars (god of war) and Venus (goddess of love and beauty).

A sub-rationale I find pretty funny (and grossly demeaning) is that the female symbol is Venus’ hand mirror celebrating her narcissism.

The second route is that the symbols evolved from the Greek alphabet and their written abbreviations for the planets we call Mars and Venus. Those Greek names are Thouros and Phosphoros, respectively.

Now it gets fun…because as we modern souls have come to know ourselves better we’re no longer able to universally find expression in these symbols. We’ve evolved those symbols to reflect our identities and self knowledge. This is just a subset.

And since all of this is just humans finding self expression, I nominate these two symbols to our lexicon:

So now I’m going set down my marker and get another coffee.

(Please never take anything I say as fact.
Blogs are not new sources.
Always seek news and facts from credible, vetted, rigorous sources.)