Are you a fetish?


We’re all fetishized in some way or another.

We are all of us labeled according to someone else’s hierarchy of our characteristics.

Whether you’re a Chubb, a Dad Bod, have a bubble butt, or are black, muscular, short, a twink, a grandfather, a fem, trans, Asian, short, tall, or hairy…the list is seemingly endless.

And many humans are really good at using these categories to diminish, to make you feel shame and rejection, and they can all be taken back and used as a point of strength.

Take back your labels and discover how they can be a source of strength and confidence. Hand’s down, the sexiest aspect of someone is their confidence (unless they’re an ass about it.)

Exploring your kinks is a great way to own who you are, in all your complexity and despite how other’s want to accept or reject based on one characteristic.

And for God’s sake, if you find someone hot because of their attributes, let ’em know it. Everyone likes to hear it. Doing it on your knees is more convincing.

(Please never take anything I say as fact.
Blogs are not new sources.
Always seek news and facts from credible, vetted, rigorous sources.)